Caroline very comfortably rocking the Ergo Baby.

I was talking to my sister, Caroline, today and she brought up an interesting counterpoint on the Baby Bjorn versus Ergo Baby comparison in our review article. Namely that she preferred the Ergo Baby carrier over Baby Bjorn. But it turns out her husband could never get used to it and I can confirm the same.

What does this all prove? That men are indeed Neanderthals capable of little more than banging sticks and grunting? Yes, but Caroline also noted she preferred the weight of carrying her babies on her hips. Tyler and myself, and likely Caroline’s husband John, were more comfortable supporting the carrier from our upper back and shoulders.

That only reinforces the Neanderthal angle given our hairy predecessors method for carrying dinner back to the cave. At least according to Captain Caveman. Is it also possible that men are less flexible than women so have a tougher time tying a triple stevedore clove hitch behind our backs?

I don’t know the answer but thought Baby Bjorn and Ergo Baby could have some fun, at dad’s expense, discussing why and why not they gravitate towards certain types of baby carriers.

1 thought on “Ergo Baby vs. Baby Bjorn Counterpoint”

  1. Pingback: Baby Bjorn Baby Carrier Free Review - Great For Dads

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